Frequently Asked Questions

How do you pronounce "SARWG"?
It's pronounced "Sar-Wig".

I’d like to join, but I have more questions. How can I get more information?

Email the President (or any of the guild officers) at

I want to learn how to make wine! Can the Guild help?

Yes! This is core to what we do. The Guild has lots of winemakers with decades of experience, and the competition medals to back it up. In addition to in-person guidance at the meetings, we have an active Facebook group where members ask questions, get answers, and share information.

I’ve made wine from a kit before, but I want to try my hand at making it from fresh grapes. Can the guild help?

Yes again! A couple members have connections to grape sources. Join the Guild and read the newsletters for details.

I’d like to enter my homemade wine in the SARWG competition. How do I do that?

Any guild member may enter the competition. Your guild dues cover the entry fee, and you can join the guild at the competition if you’d like to enter your wine. For details, see Article XIV of the by-laws.

I love wine! But I’m not interested in making it, or have much knowledge about wines. Can I join?

Yep, the Guild is as much about wine appreciation as it’s about winemaking. If you like wine enough to want to join a guild, your are a perfect fit for SARWG.

Where are the meetings?

Meeting venues vary. Some meetings are held at SARWG members’ homes. Some are held at wineries, like Blue Lotus, a friend of the Guild. We’ve had meetings at lots of places in San Antonio and the surrounding counties. Because our membership dues are low, we’re always looking for affordable (or free) venues for meetings, so if you have a suggestion, please speak up!

Can I bring my kids to the meetings?

Because alcohol is consumed in meetings, we prefer that no children attend. There is no hard rule against kids, and we hope to keep it that way, so if you must bring yours, please ensure their good behavior, and consume in moderation. Common sense should prevail. As long as bringing kids is an occasional exception, and they don’t disrupt, we have no plans to prohibit them.

Note that on occasion, meetings are held in venues like wineries or bars that do not allow children. Obviously, kids can’t come to those meetings.

The meetings are only once per month??? I need more! How else can I participate and get winemaking help?

Join our Facebook Group!